Office drawer open with easyliner and drawer organizers to keep drawers tidy
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The Secret The Pros Use For Drawer Organization

Ever wonder the secrets professional organizers use for organizing clients homes? Learn all the tips for drawer organization!

I absolutely love using drawer organizers to keep my drawers tidy. But if you don’t fill the entire drawer with organizers, they always tend to slide around. And when they slide around, your entire drawer gets all messed up. None of your organizers are in their place, which always makes you feel disorganized…even though you totally organized your drawer.

So what do you end up doing?? Letting the entire drawer just get messy because you are so fed up with rearranging the drawer organizers every time you open that darn drawer.

But what if I told you that I have a secret to keeping those drawer organizers in place without buying tons of drawer organizers -or- spending a ton of money??? Because I have a secret that only the pros know for keeping drawers tidy!!

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The Secret The Pros Use For Drawer Organization

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Kitchen pantry drawer open with containers and drawer organizers inside and bottom has easyliner on bottom to hold everything in place

Edit Items

The first tip any professional organizer would tell you for drawer organization is to edit the items you have in the drawer. To edit, you simply need to go through and only keep the items you love, use, or need. The rest is not something you have to hold onto, so get that clutter out of your drawer!

Once you have only the items you want to keep, group them together into categories. Store similar items together. This makes it easy to find when you need something, like tape or paper clips!

Office drawer open with easyliner and drawer organizers to keep drawers tidy

Drawer Organizers

Once all your items are categorized, store them in drawer organizers. I only recommend using drawer organizers that fit the items you have, not fitting your items into organizers that aren’t made for your stuff!

So this could mean that you may not need an entire drawer of organizers. You may only need a few organizers to hold your items. But if you don’t fill your drawer with organizers, the organizers tend to slide around when you open and close your drawer. So what can you do to keep them in place??

Wire shelving with clear easyliner on top and cleaning supplies lined up for drawer organization

The Secret To Drawer Organization

Use shelf liners to hold the drawer organizers in place!!!

Yes, that’s the secret!!

I love using Duck Brand Easy Liners. They come in a variety of colors, making it the best option for keeping things tidy in your drawers. The Easy Liners come in a variety of colors, so if you have a dark drawer bottom, you can use the Black EasyLiner Solid Grip. It blends right in to the drawer bottom, but is sticky so the drawer organizers don’t slide! If you’re drawers are a wood or tan color, you can go with the Taupe EasyLiner Solid Grip. For wire shelving or white drawer bottoms, I recommend going with the EasyLiner Clear Classic!

Kitchen drawer open with EasyLiners lining bottom and drawer organizers inside to keep drawers tidy

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Remember these tips that the pros use for drawer organization, and you can keep your drawers tidy too! Start with editing down what you have in your drawer. Then group the items together by category. Store each category in a drawer organizer. Use EasyLiners to keep the drawer organizers in place!

Open kitchen drawer with drawer organizers inside and text overlay that says the secrets the pros use to keep drawer organizers in place #organized #kitchen

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