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Use the KonMari Method to Declutter Your Home

I just want to say that I am not a trained KonMari expert. I am just a professional organizer who was either doing these techniques or modified the KonMari Method to use in clients’ homes after reading the book by Marie Kondo. All the tips, tutorials, and file folding techniques are my take on the…

I just want to say that I am not a trained KonMari expert. I am just a professional organizer who was either doing these techniques or modified the KonMari Method to use in clients’ homes after reading the book by Marie Kondo. All the tips, tutorials, and file folding techniques are my take on the KonMari Method.

How many of you have read the book by Marie Kondo called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up??  Even if you haven’t read it, I am sure you have heard about this book.  People are swearing by this philosophy of keeping things you love and getting rid of the rest. While some of the practices may be difficult to completely implement into your household, these are a few of my favorite ways to use the KonMari Method in my home! 

Marie Kondo Folding Techniques

t-shirt drawer organization

Marie Kondo folding encourages you to fold your clothes like they’re in a file folder. The technique she shares leaves your t-shirt or pants standing up in the drawer so you can see all that you own – nothing will be hidden! While I love the KonMari Method of folding items in drawers, I think you can never go wrong hanging up your clothes in your closet if you have space. 

If you’re low on space and need to maximize the amount of space in your drawers or simply eliminate the volume of clothing you own, check out my blog posts below that will teach you the Marie Kondo folding techniques. 


KonMari Method For Books

Follow these easy spring cleaning tips to get your home ready for spring! Professional Organizer, Lisa, breaks down all the steps you have to do in order to deep clean your house and prep for warmer weather. #springcleaning #spring #deepcleaning

My kids have outgrown some of the board books that they loved when they were babies.  I have attempted and tried to utilize certain cookbooks, but they aren’t as useful as I hoped over the year. Both still found themselves sitting on shelves even when I didn’t need them any longer!! I couldn’t ignore those books any longer– it was time to do a major book clean-out!

Before I could even think about storing the books, we had to go through them to decide if we wanted to keep, sell, or donate. Now it’s your turn! Read below for some simple steps and tips for taming the books in your home.

 Declutter Papers

Open file cabinet to show organized paper with no clutter #declutter #organizedpaper

Paper clutter can pile up rather quickly, especially if you have kids. For some reason, those tiny humans collect way more paper than I ever could have imagined!!

So how do you stop all that paper from piling up on your counters?? Follow these steps to organize papers, that’s how! But I do have to warn you, organizing paper is probably one of the most boring organizing tasks there is. There just is no sugar-coating it. This is why it can pile up so quickly and why it’s so important you clear that clutter using the KonMari Method. Think, “Does this bring me joy?”

If not – toss it!


Storing Decorations The KonMari Way


Instead of just throwing all your holiday decorations into boxes and bins to go through next year, why not try decluttering and store holiday decorations the KonMari way. 

Marie Kondo wrote her book to help streamline how to organize. The thought behind it is to ask yourself if an item “sparks joy”. If it does, you keep it. If it does not, then you get rid of it. I feel this method works well in certain situations, and holiday decor is totally one of them! If a holiday decoration does “spark joy” you keep it for next year. If it does not, then you can donate or throw it away.

I hope you enjoy all of these helpful ways to utilize the KonMari Method and the Marie Kondo folding tutorials in your own home! There truly is something so freeing about a home and life full of things that bring you joy!



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