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Why Organizing Helps Kids at Home and School

We're going to talk about why organizing helps kids at home and at school. I'll also share some of my favorite tools for getting kids organized!

Organizing is so important to help kids in both school and at home. It is a skill they will need for their entire lives.

So let’s teach them the tools to be organized! But where do you start? I am breaking down why organizing helps kids at home and school.

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Organizing Is A Skill

Organizing is not a talent something you are born with, it’s a skill that can be taught. Which is why organizing can help kids at home and school. Because they need to learn it.

When we teach kids how to organize, they become more successful at home, in school, and in peer relationships.

Think about it now as an adult–we all know someone who is incredibly disorganized, who never learned those skills. Maybe you feel like that! But we don’t want our kids to be like this!

boy putting clothing into closet drawers with file folded clothing

When You’re Organized, You Have Stronger Interpersonal Skills

When you train your mind to be more organized or streamlined you’re less scatterbrained. This looks different for everyone, but when you’re organized you’re able to prioritize activities and tasks better. You’re working to accomplish goals, you know when you’re done, you can plan your tasks, and use time management to get things done efficiently.

It’s the same for kids with chores, homework, and responsibilities around the house. They end up getting more time with their friends because they finished their responsibilities efficiently!  

You’re Less Stressed When You’re Organized

When everything is tidy and when you’re organized, you are less stressed.

You know this from experience, right? Research backs it up, too! That’s why I’m such a huge advocate for organizing. I’ve seen how much it reduces anxiety and stress, and ultimately affects your performance.

The same goes for your kids, so they can and should start practicing these skills early.

Child hanging their own artwork to demonstrate kids organization #organizedkids

Research Backs This Up

Listen to this: three separate studies have shown that the disorganization of the backpack, desk, or locker was linked to poor performance in school.

That’s why organizing is so important for home and school. Because disorganization can truly affect their time at school.

Another study I found talked about organizing and study skills in the upper grades. They found that poor organization skills led to poor prep work for tests. Which makes sense–if you’re not organized, prepping for your test is going to be challenging.

They tracked the kids with poor organizational skills after that and found that they were less likely to go to a four-year university. Let’s start by equipping them with the organizational skills they need to organize in school and life. 

Organizing for School: Why It’s Important For Kids

The Organized Kids Resources

10 Cheat Codes To Get Kids Organized


Free Resources With Life Skills For Kids

What to Do With Artwork Cheatsheet: This free cheat sheet is a flowchart that’s perfect for elementary age kids. They can see the flow of the decision-making process. I would strongly suggest that you create flowcharts for kids that seem disorganized. This is flow, a process, a system. Flow charts work so well for organizing because it gives the kids a streamlined brain map of how to think about tasks.

6 Steps to Decluttering Kids’ Toys: This free resource comes with steps and visuals for kids. I love this because the pictures give the kids a process for creating order in their minds for how to organize. 

Take Out/Put Away Toys: This also helps kids visually see order. 

My Ultimate Parent’s Guidebook to Getting Organized: I’ve gotten a lot of emails from people who have downloaded this e-book saying they can’t believe it’s free, but it is free! There’s so much information in this: where to start, how to set expectations, examples of expectations, free printables of all kinds, clean up routines and checklists, and more. I created it so that you can get organized and figure out how to organize your kids. 

Why Organizing Helps Kids at Home and School
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