basement with clutter and items piling up
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Micro-Decluttering: Why You Should Try An Easier Version Of Decluttering

Ever felt like throwing everything away and starting fresh? When things pile up and seem out of control, figuring out a where to start can be really overwhelming. So instead of trying to do giant organizing and decluttering sessions that can take all day, try micro-decluttering. What Is Micro-Declutter? Simply put, micro-decluttering the process of…

Ever felt like throwing everything away and starting fresh? When things pile up and seem out of control, figuring out a where to start can be really overwhelming. So instead of trying to do giant organizing and decluttering sessions that can take all day, try micro-decluttering.

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What Is Micro-Declutter?

Simply put, micro-decluttering the process of organizing and decluttering one small area or category of items at a time.

It’s the opposite of trying to tackle your entire house in one go, which can often feel overwhelming.

Micro-decluttering breaks down the task into manageable parts, making it easier and less stressful.

Instead of spending an entire day decluttering a room, try one drawer. By taking baby steps to complete a task, you are more likely to stick with the process for the long haul.

kitchen stove with cabinets and doors open with everything organized on shelves and in cabinets

Why Micro-Declutter?

The biggest benefit of micro-decluttering is not having to block out a day or week to removing unwanted items.

Instead you are focusing on small areas like drawers, cabinets, corners, countertops, or bins.

Think about it this way…when you build a snowman, you have to start with a small ball. Then you start rolling that ball until it gets bigger and bigger. Finally that ball is big enough to be the base of the snowman. So you start with another small ball to get the middle part of the snowman built.

The same is true for decluttering. Start small and keep completing small tasks. You will get more decisive with your things as you keep decluttering.

And you will feel more inspired to keep spaces tidy and organized because you spent time removing unwanted things from small spaces.

The Benefits Of Micro-Decluttering

Incorporating micro-decluttering into your daily routine can bring about a multitude of benefits beyond just a more organized physical space.

One of the main advantages is reduced stress and anxiety. Clutter can create a sense of overwhelm and make it difficult to focus, leading to increased stress levels.

By decluttering in small, manageable increments, you can gradually reduce the amount of visual and mental clutter, leading to a calmer and more peaceful environment.

Micro-decluttering also promotes increased productivity.

When your physical space is organized, it becomes easier to find what you need and stay focused on the task at hand.

By eliminating distractions and creating a streamlined environment, you can make the most of your time and accomplish more in less time.

Additionally, micro-decluttering improves mental clarity. A cluttered space can contribute to a cluttered mind, making it challenging to think clearly and make decisions.

By decluttering and organizing your surroundings, you create a space that supports mental clarity and enhances your ability to concentrate and make thoughtful choices.

How Micro-Decluttering Impacts Your Mindset

To fully experience the benefits of micro-decluttering, it’s essential to incorporate it into your daily routine. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to tackle a specific area or category.

Start with the areas that bother you the most or have the greatest impact on your daily life. Whether it’s your kitchen pantry, bedroom closet, or digital inbox, choose one area and commit to decluttering it in small increments.

Make it a habit to spend 5-15 minutes each day decluttering. Set a timer if needed to stay focused and avoid spending excessive time on one area.

Consistency is key, and by dedicating regular time to micro-decluttering, you’ll gradually transform your space and mindset.

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Incorporating Micro-Decluttering Into Your Daily Routine

When practicing micro-decluttering, it’s important to have a strategy in place. Here are some techniques and tips to help you make the most of your micro-decluttering sessions:

1. Start with the easy wins: Begin by decluttering areas or categories that require minimal decision-making. This could include discarding expired items, donating unused or unwanted items, or organizing items that are already in designated spaces.

2. Set limits: Create boundaries for the amount of items you keep in specific categories. For example, limit yourself to a certain number of books, clothing items, or kitchen gadgets. This will prevent future clutter from accumulating and make it easier to maintain an organized space.

3. Ask yourself key questions: When deciding whether to keep or discard an item, ask yourself if it brings you joy, if it serves a practical purpose, or if it aligns with your current lifestyle. Consider if you have used or needed the item in the past year. These questions can help you make thoughtful choices and let go of unnecessary belongings. Get my free declutter questions below.

Micro-Decluttering is the best way to reclaim your space. Learn how button in bottom right corner. Background image of women organizing a spice cabinet

Micro-Decluttering Techniques And Tips

To ensure a comprehensive and systematic approach to micro-decluttering, it’s helpful to create a plan for your entire home.

Start by identifying the different areas or categories you want to tackle, such as closets, kitchen cabinets, or digital files. Break down each area further into smaller subcategories, such as shoes, sweaters, or photos.

Assign specific timeframes for each micro-decluttering session. For example, dedicate one week to decluttering your kitchen pantry, focusing on different sections or shelves each day.

By setting goals and deadlines, you’ll stay focused and motivated throughout the process.

As you complete each micro-decluttering session, mark it off your plan and celebrate your progress.

Seeing your accomplishments on paper can be incredibly motivating and encourage you to continue with the remaining areas.

Join the Micro-Declutter Cohort where we are strategically micro-decluttering together. Learn more below.

Micro-Decluttering is the best way to reclaim your space. Learn how button in bottom right corner. Background image of women organizing a spice cabinet

Creating A Micro-Declutter Plan For Your Home

Micro-decluttering has a profound impact on your physical space. It transforms chaotic and cluttered areas into organized and functional spaces.

By decluttering in small increments, you’ll notice a significant reduction in visual clutter and a greater sense of spaciousness.

In addition to the visual benefits, micro-decluttering also improves the functionality of your space.

With items properly organized and easily accessible, you’ll save time searching for things and be able to navigate your environment with ease.

This improved efficiency will make your daily routines smoother and more enjoyable.

Organizing a kitchen drawer near the sink

A Practical Approach To Micro-Decluttering

For some, decluttering can be an overwhelming task. Deciding what to keep and what to get rid of can seem scary without some help or guidance.

The micro-decluttering cohort is designed to be practical, friendly, and approachable. It’s been carefully crafted to help you declutter different areas of your home in a systematic way.

Instead of trying to declutter on your own, you can gain real, actionable steps on specific areas sent directly to you.

No need to spend time finding areas to declutter. We created the starting point for you. Based on over 10 years of experience supporting families with decluttering.

Each week, we’ll focus on a separate area, providing you with tips and techniques to help you declutter with ease.

Micro-Decluttering is the best way to reclaim your space. Learn how button in bottom right corner. Background image of women organizing a spice cabinet

Let’s Get Started!

Are you ready to embark on this decluttering journey with us?

We promise, at the end of these six weeks, you’ll be amazed at the transformation, not just in your home, but in the way you approach clutter.

Remember, the objective of this program is to help you micro declutter with ease, making your home a more organized, peaceful place to be. Let’s get this ball rolling, shall we?

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The Organized Mama is your ultimate resource for all things organizing with families in mind. Our mission is to share practical tips, tricks, and tutorials everyone in the family can follow!