3 seat desk set up with 3 chairs and workspaces for 3 people
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Organizing Office Desks Like A Professional

Here are my professional tips to keeping your office desk clean, organized and clear of clutter when working from home!

When you’re working from home with your kids, the question of how to organize your office desk gets a little more complicated. You might be working from home for the first time or sharing a space with family members, and you’re not sure how to set yourself up for success. 

Because of that, I’ve compiled my favorite office desk tips to keep your space organized, functional, and motivating! Enjoy!

office desk top like a professional


Office Space

view of desk that was DIY made with 4 filing cabinets and 3 desk tops

Creating a home office can seem like a daunting task, which is why I have seen a lot of clients continue to put it on the “back-burner”, if you will.  Since it is not an area that is visible to guests visiting your home, the task of decorating, styling, and organizing a home office doesn’t always take priority.  A home office is an important part of many homes because most people store bills, receipts, medical information, and other important documents in that space.  Rather than just storing your documents, you can create a room or space that is inviting and organized.


The Desktop

organized and clear desk top space

They say having a cluttered desk makes a cluttered mind…so what does an empty desk say?? Well, I think it says you have space to think and work! I love having a clear workspace. When I don’t, I get rather anxious about all the things I need to do. I feel disorganized and unproductive.

But when my desk is actually clean and tidy, I feel more productive and accomplished. To keep it that way, I have some easy desk organization ideas that can help you create a clutter-free desk!

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Office Supplies

Elfa drawers with black labels and white lettering to hold craft supplies. #officeorganization

Being an organized person, my office/workspace desk is always disorganized.  My desk never seemed to keep up with my system to organize craft supplies. Like, it was so bad, to the point of having to push things aside so I can make space for my computer.

Do you feel like that? No worries. Below are some of my favorite ways to organize your supplies you keep within your office desk.


Computer Files

Digital clutter can be just as bad as paper clutter. It’s not as noticeable because it is all stored in a place you can close and hideaway.

But digital clutter is still clutter, so you have to tackle it at some point, so why not start now?? The following blogs contain my favorite tips for organizing your computer files.



Good luck getting your office organized, and, hopefully, my tips for styling a home office will come in handy!  Remember to find a workspace that will fit in your office area and looks aesthetically pleasing.  Find a chair that works with your space and your needs.  Create a system to keep your files up-to-date, along with adding personal details to your space.  And create ideal storage by keeping all office supplies you use daily in an easy and accessible place of your desk or workspace.  For more home office inspiration, check out my Pinterest board!

organize your office desk like a professional

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2 thoughts on “Organizing Office Desks Like A Professional”

  1. Every space matters when you have a small space to make as a workspace, and I wouldn’t say I like clutter around me. On the contrary, it irritates me, and I have a bad mood. So to be productive, a neat and organized workspace helps me.

  2. Every space matters when you have a small space to make as a workspace, and I wouldn’t say I like clutter around me. On the contrary, it irritates me, and I have a bad mood. So to be productive, a neat and organized workspace helps me. Thanks for sharing this article anyway.

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